my portfolio.

" You can do anything you set your mind to." - Benjamin Franklin

Adam Csordas

Junior Front-End Developer

I'm a self-taught Junior Front-End Developer based in London, UK.
I love coding! Building and creating something cool always give me a sense of achievement and fulfilment. I enjoy solving problems too, it's always beauty in the struggle. When I'm not coding, I'm spending time with my wife. Also, I like making and editing videos, watching football, playing video games and listening to music.

Coding man

Wedding Website


This is the project, that I'm the most proud of. I have built the website from scratch for my wedding. The techs, I have used were HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Also, for the back end, I have got helped out with PHP for the RSVP page. The website has a story about us, information for the guests and an RSVP page that also includes a dietary requests page. I have really enjoyed working on this project, it felt like a real production.



In this project, I have used React to build a Scoreboard App. I have practised how to separate components into modules. Learned to restructure state and data flow, to use conditional rendering to update UI based on the current state. Learned to use design patterns that prevent from writing messy and over-complicated code and help to create flexible, more performant components that are easier to understand and maintain.

Full Stack Conf

Full Stack Conf

In this project, I have learned about Bootstrap documentation, how Bootstrap solves common layout, components and options for laying out a project, including containers, the grid system and responsive utility classes. Custom styles for UI tasks like navbars, buttons, dropdown menus. Custom components for creating stylish forms that look consistent across all modern browsers and devices.



In this project, I have learned the core concepts of CSS while styling the structure of a simple website. Targeting HTML elements with basic selectors, understanding values and units, box model and basic layout. Enhancing the design with CSS such as rounded corners, box shadows and gradients. Also, to make sure the page looks good on all devices, with media queries.

Random Colour Challenge

Random Colour Challenge

This little program prints out 100 random colours to the browser. The task was to improve the already existing script. I have practised refactoring the code and learned how to apply DRY programming principles to simplify this program using a loop.

J. Cole - Wikipedia

J Cole

In this little project, the goal was to practice and learn how to use Bootstrap by building a tribute page. The idea was to create a Wikipedia page of a chosen famous person. The page had to include titles, image, text and links. The page also had to be nicely formatted.